Our Vision

Fraud Fight Club is not just a conference. It’s a Club. It’s where you find your tribe of like minded fraud fighters with the knowledge, passion and credibility you crave.

We understand the unique challenges that fighting fraud and financial crime brings. This is the place to learn, connect and rejuvenate your fraud fighting spirit.

>400 Energized Fraud Fighters

Join Fraud Fight Club, where energized fraud fighters unite to tackle financial crime head-on. Connect with your tribe, reinvigorate your passion, and equip yourself to combat fraud effectively.

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Testimonials from Fraud Fight Club (Round I)

“It felt less like a corporate conference and more like a real club to fight fraud. I mean, the stage was a boxing ring“

Jeff Dant
Head of Fraud Prevention

“I am a veteran in this space, so conferences are often same old same old. Fraud Fight Club was something fresh with a super cool vibe and a crowd I was excited to chat with.“

Erin Vertin
Executive Director, Head of Fraud
Preventative & Detective Controls

“I go to a lot of fraud fighting conferences, and this one felt different. Packed with energy and the exact right peers I wanted to talk to. Can't wait for the next one“

John Watkins
SVP Fraud Strategy & Operations

“I have been to what feels like a million fraud conferences. This one stood out with the energetic vibe and great fraud leaders I have worked with over my career. Excited for the next round“

Donna Turner
Payment, Fraud & Operational Excellence,
Advisor in Residence

“Fraud Fight Club truly felt like a club of my best fraud fighting pals. This is unique in the fraud fighting conferences I attend and a big differentiator“

Karen Boyer
SVP Financial Crimes and
Fraud Intelligence

“I was new to Fraud Fight Club but soon realized the community was comprised of many industry veterans like myself. I am looking forward to Round II.“

Matt Powell
EVP Head of Financial Crimes,
Regions Bank
Companies who attended Fraud Fight Club (Round I)

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